I Am A Girl


17 years old

Aziza is intelligent and loves going to school. As the middle girl in a family with five children her day starts early. Before going to school she has to do domestic work, which includes fetching water, cleaning the floor, feeding the chickens and making the breakfast. Aziza’s father was killed during the war, so there is added financial pressure on the family. School is almost a respite where she can learn and excel. Back home from school the chores begin again but somehow she squeezes in 5 hours study per night so she can achieve her goal of being the best in class and, perhaps one day, the first female President of her country. We watch Aziza late at night, after she has completed all her chores, practicing her reading. Despite the exhaustion, she is determined to keep up with her classmates and achieve the future that she so desperately craves.

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